Thursday, October 04, 2018

Mathemapping the City scapes of now, to see the Future of Nest

The day is here now, where we are stepping up to the level of comprehension needed to cultivate the healthy organic city. If we are to have a balanced living city, we must be able to math out, as well as map out the scalar structures to holistically coop with a flourishing local environment. As mentioned in the article


Human nest. 
Spirit of "man"... 

The village, Tribe, City. 
Externalizations of the need for Nest.. 
We think we are alone in spiritual Sentience 
We are but one scale of this self reflective cogni-science... 
We are in the larvae stage 
houses our cocoons.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Portals into the Egregore

For me, the secret entrance into the hidden world, where we can navigate, and interact with the Egregore, has been the dream world...
Only in the dream world did the clues come to life, like marionettes that pantomimed the flows of power in the waking world.
The endless corridors of the mafia king, where I encountered enslaved children, hooked to a glowing green fluid, monitored by hit men and spy women as they ran their deliveries came to me when I was in architecture school. The subtle idea that we evolve the world around us, as it revolves around us... and we evolve within it... To me when I saw movies like "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam, or read comics like "the Invisibles" by Grant Morrison, and when I contemplated the KalaChakra mandalas... I saw the proof that others detected this extension of reality.
It was apparent that we shared this perceptive ability. I learned to shift into this perceptive mode in various ways... Similar to the meditation methods of ancient gurus.. I learned to syncronize my breathing to the waves that moved the currents and energy of the city... I.E. traffic lights... I could breath in resonant loops to the 49 second red, 10 second yellow, 59 second green phases that the lights pumped out... And I could see the soul of the overseers...
This article "Secret World" by Crimethinc points out that the hidden world is being dived in and out of by perceptive people, willing to vibrate in dissonance to allow a vantage point that reveals the warp and woof of the tapestry we all inhabit... I recommend we all learn to perceive this world, and learn to manage it with a greater cogniscience, cultivating living healthy nests that are in balance with the environment.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Egregore, not only includes the city place, or nest we inhabit, but the ideals we incorporate... this is the true secret... thus: the elevator ride to the top, should always be so obvious!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Does the Nest dream?

My latest conversation with Elzbieta has completed a circle of loosely related thoughts sewing them together to make the Oroboros of questions: "when you dream, should you be aware of your morals/actions?"
This question draws out the other questions in its asking.
Questions like:
"can you be aware at the same level as you are when awake?"
"When you are awake, to what level is the dream state aware?"
"With awakening, while awake, you grow and mature... When asleep, and dreaming, do you grow and mature in a related portion, or are there other maturity levels entirely?"
"why should we be awake when dreaming?"
"Why should we have morals when we are asleep? No one is hurt... Are they??

This question of dreaming morality is quickly flowering, from its inception at 11:30 8/5/11 am..
It has sprouted questions of interspecies connections, through dreaming...
The question of dreaming of others, like married couples do...
The idea that one can "cheat" while dreaming... is it healthier to dream in the bliss of "non Morality" or is it better for us to be awake/aware and conscious/conscience while dreaming?
If one can train them selves to be aware that they are dreaming, while they are asleep... then once they do this, they can fly, change shapes, be any where, any time... and anyone...
If one is dreaming while awake, is this the same?
If one can dream something that involves someone else, like a sister, or a wife, or a husband, and they find out later that their dream was not just random, but that it was a real connection to reality... (there have been numerous people who have dreamed specific dreams that turned out that they could not have been aware of certain details, that they could not have physically have seen, or known... such as the friend of a pilot that was shot down in "Desert Storm" who dreamed that his friend was tied up at the wrist, and in a cell with a specific blanket...) Does this mean that our awakened awake state could be more like a dream?
This is my current opinion:
That when my young daughter leaned into my ear last week, (and whispered for no apparent reason) "You should always know what you are dreaming!" and she looked me in the eyes for emphasis!
I think she has always been very connected to me mentally, and spiritually, and that she has many empathetic talents.
There have been many moments where I am asleep, and she is sleeping next to me, and my Wife... We both have commented, that when we dream things that she would not approve, or understand, we have noticed that she twitches, kicks and at times even comments on our specific dreams?! What is happening?
We have reached a place as Humans, where we are coming to this question.
It is a question that could save us, and set us free.
When we dream, should we have morals?
What are Morals? Morals, are a part of the human persona, as well, there are many kinds of morality that are separate to the human question. The morality of animals that don't build nest, but occupy others nests... The morality of animals that are parasitic, or parasited... The morality and the morale...
The real interesting part of this question's potency is when you start to mix it with the "Egregoria."
The spirit of the tribe/city/village could be dreaming, networked... Are you dreaming someone else's dream? To quote Edgar Alan Poe "Could it be, that someone is looking into my mind? Some other place? Some where, some other time?"
This leads us to moments where you notice that there are several other people around you that have had similar nights, or dreams, or lack of sleep.
Have you ever gone to work, and not been able to sleep the evening before? Then noticed several people mentioned this over the course of the day?
I have noticed this several times, Many people's moods seem to be connected. Even events in our lives, other than shared weather, and natural events seem to be secretly woven together.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We see the good, where a cogniscenti at the playa unfolds, adjacent to the Arcosanti seed. And we see the bad, In Seoul.. Where the cameras of a captive audience rome (Rome) about in their cells...
As "we" all know, every sentient is judged by their fruit... and tho they be self aware, they may still have no conscience... So, be savvy is crucial to those that have the need to be out of the norm.. hence the Sentient City Survival guide: Link

Monday, August 02, 2010

Living City, The solution must be in balance with Change.

Highlighting work like Richard Harding's is what this blog is all about. Creating urban solutions that are considerate of all living scales, is what I personally see as the solution to the question: "what will we become?"

THE TRANSCENDENT CITY from Richard Hardy on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Found Thoughts on Cancer

Today, I was digging through my pile of 3x5 sketch cards (Dr. A. Swisher @ UNCC pointed me in the direction of using small white pages to compose small single finished pieces of thought) and I found this gem:

After watching youtube videos about Vortex migrations at various frequencies, and another about Bifurcations... I had a thought: One possible source of cancer: Vibrations constant unusual (not natural?) amplitude, or, frequency, or Amplitude + Frequency combination can disturb the "natural" distribution of cellular building material.
In other Words:
Cell Health= h
Amplitude = a
frequency = f
normal cell distribution rate (amp+frequ=healthy)=N
So, I tried to develop some formulas for these different rates and distribution reactions. But it was a complete mess... However, after reading more about this, in "Spiral Symmetry" by Hargittai and Pickover I see that with experiments I could find formulas..
But, the point is: if this is true of Animal Cells and Plants (ever seen Burls in a Tree? that is Cancer)... Then this must be true for Urban Design too!
Too much frequent material shifted one zone? Cancer.
The cure for cancer is the cultivation of balance space!