Saturday, July 24, 2010

Found Thoughts on Cancer

Today, I was digging through my pile of 3x5 sketch cards (Dr. A. Swisher @ UNCC pointed me in the direction of using small white pages to compose small single finished pieces of thought) and I found this gem:

After watching youtube videos about Vortex migrations at various frequencies, and another about Bifurcations... I had a thought: One possible source of cancer: Vibrations constant unusual (not natural?) amplitude, or, frequency, or Amplitude + Frequency combination can disturb the "natural" distribution of cellular building material.
In other Words:
Cell Health= h
Amplitude = a
frequency = f
normal cell distribution rate (amp+frequ=healthy)=N
So, I tried to develop some formulas for these different rates and distribution reactions. But it was a complete mess... However, after reading more about this, in "Spiral Symmetry" by Hargittai and Pickover I see that with experiments I could find formulas..
But, the point is: if this is true of Animal Cells and Plants (ever seen Burls in a Tree? that is Cancer)... Then this must be true for Urban Design too!
Too much frequent material shifted one zone? Cancer.
The cure for cancer is the cultivation of balance space!

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