Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We see the good, where a cogniscenti at the playa unfolds, adjacent to the Arcosanti seed. And we see the bad, In Seoul.. Where the cameras of a captive audience rome (Rome) about in their cells...
As "we" all know, every sentient is judged by their fruit... and tho they be self aware, they may still have no conscience... So, be savvy is crucial to those that have the need to be out of the norm.. hence the Sentient City Survival guide: Link

Monday, August 02, 2010

Living City, The solution must be in balance with Change.

Highlighting work like Richard Harding's is what this blog is all about. Creating urban solutions that are considerate of all living scales, is what I personally see as the solution to the question: "what will we become?"

THE TRANSCENDENT CITY from Richard Hardy on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Found Thoughts on Cancer

Today, I was digging through my pile of 3x5 sketch cards (Dr. A. Swisher @ UNCC pointed me in the direction of using small white pages to compose small single finished pieces of thought) and I found this gem:

After watching youtube videos about Vortex migrations at various frequencies, and another about Bifurcations... I had a thought: One possible source of cancer: Vibrations constant unusual (not natural?) amplitude, or, frequency, or Amplitude + Frequency combination can disturb the "natural" distribution of cellular building material.
In other Words:
Cell Health= h
Amplitude = a
frequency = f
normal cell distribution rate (amp+frequ=healthy)=N
So, I tried to develop some formulas for these different rates and distribution reactions. But it was a complete mess... However, after reading more about this, in "Spiral Symmetry" by Hargittai and Pickover I see that with experiments I could find formulas..
But, the point is: if this is true of Animal Cells and Plants (ever seen Burls in a Tree? that is Cancer)... Then this must be true for Urban Design too!
Too much frequent material shifted one zone? Cancer.
The cure for cancer is the cultivation of balance space!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Naked Tech:

One must try to determine the best balance to strike that benefits the whole network.. In the world, we will have to deal with infant societies, ghastly out of scale, boisterous and piercingly chaffing the fabric of our culture of referenced cadence. If we at one point reach a density pattern that allows society to stabilize at 12 billion, within that will be packets of society that refuse to live in the fabric, and thus fall into megastructural pockets. The rare, but refined Arcology that in their very imbalance is in balance! This is Naked Tech's mantra, and to make it happen one must seek to make predominant the naked tech, in the vastness's between arcological nodes.
The grid is a field.